SEO vs. Creativity: A Stand for Authentic Writing​
Allison Coutain - Founder, America's Web Club

A.I. Supports Human Intelligence,
and Don't Let Anyone Tell You Otherwise

The Impact of Media on Perceptions

In an age where the media predominantly broadcasts extremist viewpoints, Elon Musk’s dramatic claims about AI developments evoke a kind of despair typically seen in teenage boys striving to fit in. More appropriately, Musk’s remarks should address how people intend to use AI, rather than the technology itself. A.I. supports human intelligence, albeit the societally irresponsible players such as himself. These distinctions are crucial, especially for the average web user or ‘visitors’, as we are termed in the industry.

The Symbiotic Relationship Between AI and Human Intellect

To emphasize the obvious, I stress that the collaboration between AI and human intellect forms a symbiotic relationship. Competition arises only when individuals decline to work for minimal wages, thereby enabling conglomerates to exploit our lack of knowledge to fuel their data banks. Each code snippet and algorithm embodies human ingenuity and intellect, representing a continuous amalgamation of human intelligence at its finest. The true concern should be the self-appointed “tech leaders” who wield influence over legislation, competitive markets, and societal norms, consistently positioning themselves to intercept and manipulate our fundamental human rights, particularly our right to privacy of thought.


Questioning Tech Leadership

Consider, for instance, Elon Musk’s approach to managing his advertisers. His brash statements reveal more than just a volatile temperament; they expose a lack of preparedness for leadership and a whimsical attitude towards what could have been his most significant revenue source, if not for the actual value of his acquisition, formerly known as Twitter. This example highlights the potential misuse of vast content databases, which could be exploited by undesirable elements.


The Misunderstanding of AI’s Role

However, the idea that AI might supplant human intelligence is a gross misunderstanding of its role and capabilities. It’s almost embarrassing to state such an obvious fact, yet it remains necessary.

Advocating for Informed Decision-Making

The essential message of this article is not to defend AI; rather, it aims to question the ‘overrated tailors’ who bask in the small segments of the virtual realm known as ‘tech’. It serves as a subtle reminder about the inquiries we should make in our daily decisions to support democracy. By asking, ‘Who owns this? Who benefits from my spending?’, we essentially act as proxy lobbyists. Acknowledging this, we must proceed with informed awareness.


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